
Todd Young

27 yrs in e-commerce // 3PL, Manufacturing, Platform Development

New Mentor


The ConneXtion has become one of the leading boutique D2C eCommerce, Merchandising, Fulfillment companies in the space. Along with his wife Janna, and his brother Collin, The ConneXtion continues to service some of the biggest names in the industry by sticking to a tried and true method: Do what you say you are going to do & Show respect to the community that supports the Client. Todd is a founding member of The Anacortes Music Project (AMP), a non-profit dedicated to Amplifying the Music and Musicians of his adopted hometown of Anacortes WA. For 5 years Todd hosted The NeXt Show a 2 hr online radio program showcasing local musicians through both live performance and conversation.


President and Founder, theconneXtion

Links from Todd


What is your cancellation policy?

What is the policy for mentor cancellations or no-shows?

What's your refund policy?

What if my mentor doesn’t accept my request?

Is there a grace period for session overflows?

Code of Conduct

No Pitching

Privacy and Confidentiality


$144 -

30 minute call