
David Head

No-code Expert | YC Alum

New Mentor


Helping growth startups and larger companies get more scale their no-code tech, and migrate to code when they're ready. What does this mean?... Startups and enterprise companies are frequently using no-code tools, like Airtable, Zapier, and Webflow, to build rapid prototypes. It's often said you can build 10x as fast this way. But what happens when your no-code prototypes get traction? You're growing exponentially and you start spending all of your time tweaking maintaining and upgrading the tech so it can handle the next month. Ultimately, no-code tech starts to break down. If you don't start migrating to code soon enough, and have a smooth plan to adapt the rest of your team to the new code-based culture afterwards, your growth will flatline. I learned this the hard way. My startup's growth flatlined by not migrating properly in 2016. Fortunately, every no-code migration I've done since has gone smooth. Most recently, I helped Lambda School, one of the most successful startup built on a pure no-code stack, rebuild and migrate to code, as Data Engineer on their team. Now I'm exploring how I can help other startups and larger companies do the same. If you're an exponentially growing startup or larger company using or considering using no-code software, it would be great to get to know you.


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