
Chris DiBlasi

Telemedicine Expert

New Mentor


-ran ePrescribing, pharmacy benefit and medication management products at Surescripts from 2013-2020, impacting billions of patients per year -responsible for all aspects of the business including P&L, strategic planning, operations and growth planning -currently running Product at Genoa Telepsychiatry and Optum Behavioral Care from June 2020-present -similarly responsible for all aspects of the business including P&L, strategic planning, operations and growth planning in the telehealth and behavioral health payer space


Senior Director of Product at Genoa Telepsychiatry

Director of Product at Surescripts

MBA at Georgetown


What is your cancellation policy?

What is the policy for mentor cancellations or no-shows?

What's your refund policy?

What if my mentor doesn’t accept my request?

Is there a grace period for session overflows?

Code of Conduct

No Pitching

Privacy and Confidentiality


$216 -

30 minute call